How to Become a Property Manager Columbus Trusts

Property Manager Columbus TrustsIf you’ve ever made an investment in Columbus real estate, you know how important the role is of a property manager. Columbus is home to many successful property management companies; their goal is to enhance your investment’s ability to generate income.

But what if you’ve discovered that managing the details – property maintenance, marketing, and tenant management – is something you are passionate about? How do individuals become a property manager? What certifications do they need? Find out that and more, below.

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Become a Columbus Property Manager Today: The 411

Columbus, like any other part of the United States, requires that individuals meet certain certifications in order to become property managers.

  1. First things first, you will want to have education beyond high school. Consider taking courses in business, management, accounting, law, and finance. A property manager needs to understand all of these variables in order to do their job effectively.
  2. Pass the Ohio property management licensing examination.
  3. Become a Certified Property Manager in Columbus through the Institute of Real Estate Management; understand the requirements, as they are specific to this certification. These include the required courses for the exam, a degree in real estate, professional experience, a passing score on the examination, and references.
  4. Think about the financial aspects. Remember, it is not just about the down payment in which you make on the property; it is also about the mortgage and your income to cover any monthly payments. Also, consider that there will be additional fees for utilities and other developmental factors after your purchase.
  5. Consider joining a professional property management association. This will allow you to take advantage of continuing education courses, seminars, and networking.
  6. Once you are certified, you will need a job! Job listings may not be right out there in the open. Of course, scour various job listing sites. You can also perform a property search in Columbus real estate; reach out to some properties that look appealing to you and see if they are seeking a property manager. Often, this career path is something real estate brokers may consider moving into. Do your homework and submit your resume throughout the field.

Looking Ahead: The Job Outlook

One of the most common jobs held by residents of Columbus is management. In fact, according to, there were roughly 42,123 Columbus residents in a management profession in 2016. Are you ready to join them?

  • The average salary for a property manager in Columbus, Ohio is $93,577, according to (updated as of September 1, 2018). As a property manager Columbus has to offer, you would enjoy increased benefits, since the cost of living is lower when compared to the national average.
  • For an entry-level position as a property manager, you only need a high school diploma.
  • The job outlook is good – projected to grow at a rate of 12% between now and 2022.

As a property manager Columbus has to offer, you have flexibility – something highly sought after in any profession. Consider this: Most property managers work out of an office. However, many managers spend a good portion of their day away from the office for their daily tasks; these tasks can include showing property, maintenance, or meeting with owners and investors.

Rather Hire a Commercial Property Manager? Columbus, Ohio Trusts The Robert Weiler Company!

Since 1938, The Robert Weiler Company has proved to be a top-rate property management company offering a wide range of commercial property management services. Are you looking for a property manager Columbus trusts? We can help! Give us a call at 614-221-4286 for a free consultation.


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