Bureaucracy usually runs the real estate world, but Ohio is fortunate. For instance, the well-organized and highly competent Ohio Appraisal Board manages residential and commercial real estate appraisal matters. This entity is part of the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing, which is a division of the Ohio Department of Commerce.
Because one of the most popular aspects of the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing involves appraisals, from becoming an appraiser to filing complaints, let’s start there…
The Ohio Appraisal Board Application Process: Obtaining or Upgrading Your License
First and foremost, the OH Appraisal Board oversees all aspects of the appraiser application process, whether you’re looking to become a Real Estate Appraiser Assistant or upgrade to a Licensed Residential Appraiser, Certified Residential Appraiser, or a Certified General Appraiser. There are specific educational, experience, and exam requirements set for each level, decided by this Division.
Experience is not required to get your start as a commercial real estate appraisal assistant; however, there is quite a bit of work required to be eligible for an upgrade. You will need 2,000-3,000 hours of relevant experience before you can upgrade. You’ll also need to complete a slew of educational requirements beforehand; these courses include report writing and case studies, market analysis, finance and statistics courses, related electives, and much more.
The application process doesn’t stop with educational and experience requirements. There is a stringent background process conducted by the Ohio Appraisal Board; this process must be completed prior to becoming a Real Estate Appraiser Assistant or upgrading to an advanced appraiser level. It’s important to note that fees are due throughout the process; each fee will be listed on the documents you’ll have to submit.
How to File a Complaint
The Ohio Appraisal Board isn’t just there to oversee the professionals obtaining their appraisal licensing; the Board also is there to serve those who need to file a complaint.
The Division accepts complaints in writing via a form, with the opportunity for an informal meeting to follow; this process allows for the gathering of information from both sides of the complaint, in hopes of reaching a resolution. From there, the Division can conduct an investigation of the complaint, submit compiled information, and determine if a violation occurred.
If the conclusion is that no violation took place, then there will be no action to take; however, if a violation did occur, then a formal hearing is the next step. During this hearing, charges may be filed, copies of the report are distributed to both parties, and objections can be submitted within 10 days. An examiner, who is an attorney, will take everything into consideration and provide a recommendation; the Board will then decide whether or not to seek disciplinary action in the matter.
For Commercial Real Estate Appraisals, Choose The Robert Weiler Company
The Robert Weiler Company’s services don’t just stop with assisting you with your next appraisal; we’re here to be a source of news and information, as well – keeping you up-to-date in the Central Ohio real estate market. With regard to commercial appraisals, we have a strong relationship with the Ohio Appraisal Board; we are fully licensed and certified. Call us at 614-221-4286 to set up an appraisal appointment today.