

What’s in a Name: ‘Weiler’ and Its CRE Connection

What’s in a name? Ever thought about how your name could forecast your career aspirations? In researching ‘Weiler,’ we were surprised by how the origin of our founder’s name is

Rental Properties for Sale in Columbus, Ohio

4 Preparations to Searching Rental Properties for Sale in Columbus, Ohio

The benefits of owning commercial property are vast, and even more protracted when you purchase rental properties for sale in Columbus, Ohio. Seated in Franklin County, Columbus is the largest

NAR for Realtors in Columbus Ohio

What Are the Benefits of NAR for Realtors in Columbus, Ohio?

Are you looking to advance or better your career as realtors in Columbus, Ohio? Trying to enhance your knowledge of real estate or grow your network? There’s one place for

Columbus, Ohio Real Estate Listings

3 Methods of Finding Columbus, Ohio Real Estate Listings

There are several approaches to finding Columbus, Ohio real estate listings. There was a time when listings would be inaccessible to the public; however, updates in the way that we

Determine CRE Value | Ohio Sextennial Reassessment

Determine Your True CRE Value Following the Ohio Sexennial Reassessment

In 2017, real estate owners in multiple Ohio counties received a property reassessment (or reappraisal), a process traditionally conducted by county auditors every six years. Last year was one of

Buying Land for Sale in Ohio? Get an Environmental Site Assessment!

Are you considering buying some of the land for sale in Ohio? When you reflect on all the state has to offer, who can blame you? Five Fortune 500 company

Avoid the Pitfalls of Buying Raw Acreage for Sale in Ohio: 3 Tips

What if we told you that buying raw acreage for sale in Ohio required more research and involvement than buying a home; would you believe us? Purchasing a home, believe

What’s Happening on

As a commercial real estate professional here in Columbus, surely you have heard of, right? As a long-standing member, the team at The Robert Weiler Company frequents their events

Robert Weiler, Sr: A Lifelong Leader in Columbus Real Estate

For 80 years, The Robert Weiler Company has been known as one of the best commercial real estate companies in Columbus, Ohio; we like to think this notion stems from