
Warehouses for Rent in Columbus Ohio

Where Are the Warehouses for Rent in Columbus Ohio? The Industrial Real Estate Wave Continues

Looking at warehouses for rent in Columbus, Ohio might leave you empty-handed or, at the very least, with an unflattering representation from the good old Oxford English dictionary. The definition

How the Ohio COVID-19 Tax Relief Reduces Your Commercial Property Value

Every six years, commercial property owners in Ohio face a reassessment of their property values conducted by their local County Auditor’s office. Typically, owners can only contest these values once

Investing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Beginners

5 Investing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Beginners from Industry Leaders [2021]

With the warmth of the summer season on everybody’s mind, it’s natural for investors, especially those in commercial real estate, to divert their attention to new opportunities. Spring brings tax

5 Reasons Why Banking on the Future of Retail Rental Space is a Brainy Choice

Just as many today predict an all-digital retail environment, a final death blow to brick-and-mortar retail rental space, so have they expected the long-coveted “paperless office.” Nearly 50 years ago,

Estate Planning Appraisal Services

The Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Appraisal for Real Estate Properties

Recently, a beloved Canadian reached the milestone age of 90, joining a group of more than 2 million strong south of his native border. It is a group of increasingly

Flipping Ohio Property for Sale

Ultimate Guide to Flipping Ohio Property for Sale: 24 Areas of Focus

Have you reviewed your local real estate market and wondered if you should jump on a specific Ohio property for sale? For an investor, it does not always have to

Mixed-Use Development Trends

6 Mixed-Use Development Trends Embracing The Jetsons’ Lifestyle [2021]

Could we all be living in an episode of The Jetsons someday? Mixed-use development in 2021 may not resemble Orbit City, but commercial builders, architects, and real estate investors are

Mike Doss

Former Cincinnati Bengal Mike Doss Makes a Big Play With The Robert Weiler Company

When you spend your whole life on the football field, it is hard to imagine yourself in an entirely different career. For Mike Doss, after he retired from the NFL,

Robert Weiler

Robert “Bob” Weiler Honored with the C-Suite Lifetime Achievement Award 2020 from Columbus Business First

Each year, Columbus Business First recognizes industry executives who stand at the forefront of the Central Ohio business by embodying exemplary leadership qualities. This year, Columbus Business First chose Robert