The ideal neighborhood – with the best schools, great neighbors, and a feeling of warmth – is completely realistic by purchasing real estate in Bexley, Ohio.
The City of Bexley, Ohio (a suburb of Columbus, Ohio) has the makings of a great place to live, start a family, open a business, and enjoy a great sense of community. Find out why, below.
Quality Education Lives in Bexley, Ohio
To say that excellent educational opportunities reside in Bexley, Ohio would be an understatement. Bexley is the home to a highly-ranked public school system. You will find all levels of education here, though, from kindergarten through high school, private schools, religious-based education, and higher education. Below are some of the schools and districts you’ll find as you’re considering the real estate Bexley, Ohio offers:
- The Bexley City School District
- Bexley High School
- Bexley Middle School
- Cassingham Elementary
- Maryland Elementary
- Montrose Elementary
- Columbus School for Girls
- St. Charles Prepatory School
- Trinity Lutheran Seminary
- Bexley Hall Seminary
- Capital University
The number of schools in the area brings in many students, as there are more students in Bexley per capita than any other city in Central Ohio. What’s encouraging is that despite the high volume of students going through these schools, their success rate is very high. Specifically regarding the Bexley City School District, the high school’s national rating is superb; it is ranked 192 out of 31,200 public high schools throughout the country.
Demographics Are Ideal for Young Families
If you’re in your 30s and want to settle down for the long haul, Bexley, Ohio real estate is something to consider. The median age of Bexley residents is 35, and the sense of community is strong here, as locals like to stay where they are; the population has only changed a fraction since 2000, with 14,000 residents. If you’re looking for community pride and stability, this is the place to be.
Thriving Main Street Gives Bexley that Community Feel
If you look at any successful community in the country, it’s very likely that the area has a thriving Main Street area that the locals cherish and frequent. Bexley has a diverse, beautiful Main Street that the natives and visitors love. It is mixed with the landmarks that boast longevity (Drexel Theatre, Hat & Sole) and the more modern, yet warm, standouts (Aladdin’s Eatery, Maia Boutique). If you’re really looking for a neighborhood feel, then consider purchasing real estate in Bexley, Ohio!
Find Your Dream Real Estate in Bexley, Ohio
Whether it’s Bexley or any other wonderful piece of Columbus, OH real estate, it’s important you find a home in a community that’s ideal for you. Be sure to utilize all the best tools when researching real estate in Bexley, Ohio. Check out several real estate listing sites and compare your options; the most popular sites are as follows:
Also check out the ‘welcome’ page on the City of Bexley’s website for tons of info, including a ‘New Resident Info Packet.’
Considering Opening a Business, Too?
If you’re also thinking of opening a business near your new home, consider the many options for commercial real estate in Bexley, Ohio. Since 1938, The Robert Weiler Company has helped the community grow with our commercial real estate services and local involvement. Call for a free CRE consultation: 614-221-4286