What to Look for in a Commercial Realtor When Searching Officespace for Rent

Officespace for Rent | ChecklistAre you looking for officespace for rent or lease in Columbus, Ohio, or beyond? If so, we’re glad to hear it! Surely you know that office space is 60% cheaper here in Columbus, compared to New York City. However, searching for commercial real estate in Columbus, Ohio – or anywhere, for that matter – can be daunting when doing it alone.

Perhaps you are also looking for a real estate broker. Before starting your search, you need to think carefully about the specifics of what you’re looking for; the location, the type of commercial building, and even the expenses beyond the initial cost of the place are among many elements that factor into your quest. When it comes to all of that, having the right realtor at your side is a huge help.


What to Look for in a Commercial Realtor

When was the last time you sought out a general physician? Do you have that moment in your mind? If so, now imagine that experience, except replace the doctor with your commercial realtor. Choosing an office space for rent in Columbus, Ohio is a big deal; you want someone reliable at your side to help you, the same way you want a good doctor.

Are you still not sure what to look for? Consider the following:

  • Find someone who is personable. This is someone who will be able to get along well with you, and also with potential sellers.
  • You want someone who is licensed in commercial real estate, and in good standing.
  • Locate a commercial property broker who can provide you with referrals.
  • Seek out an expert in commercial real estate. Since you are looking for officespace for rent, you want someone who has experience with commercial real estate, not residential.
  • Make sure they work full-time. This will be the difference between you obtaining the property you want and someone else getting it before you.
  • Search for someone who knows the local marketplace. This might be the most important part; you want someone who has experience with the real estate market where you are looking. This professional will be able to help you get the most for your money and understand what type of officespace for lease or rent (or for sale) is available in the area.

Find a Commercial Realtor

To find a commercial realtor for your next officespace rental, you can start in many places. Consider searching the various accreditations for lists of certified brokers in the area; these include the following:

  • Society of Industrial & Office Realtors (SIOR)
  • Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM)
  • Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB)
  • Accredited Land Consultant (ALC)

Start Finding Officespace for Rent Today

You can also search the Internet for referrals or local commercial real estate firms. In Central Ohio, The Robert Weiler Company has been assisting clients seeking officespace for rent or lease since 1938. We can help with the brokerage and appraisal of your new space. Call 614-221-4286 to begin your search.


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